How to correctly install vortex flowmeter to ensure accurate measurement

Vortex flowmeter installation environment

During the installation of the vortex flowmeter, it is necessary to avoid meeting the strong electrical equipment and high-frequency equipment that generate magnetic fields, because these will affect the measurement accuracy of the vortex flowmeter. To avoid high-temperature heat sources and radiation sources, or to provide thermal insulation and ventilation for vortex flowmeters, because vortex flowmeters work under high temperature and high radiation conditions for a long time, it will directly affect the life of the flowmeter. To keep away from high humidity or corrosive environment, the flowmeter is equipped with ventilation. The moisture and corrosive gases in the high-humidity environment will have an important impact on the service life of the vortex flowmeter.

Vortex flowmeters can be installed indoors if they can be installed indoors. If they must be placed outdoors, they must be careful to protect the flowmeter from sunscreen. The electrical interface must also be well-water proofed to avoid water in the flowmeter, which can damage the vortex flowmeter circuit. Do not install the flowmeter on a pipe with strong vibration, or add a solid pipe device and equipped with anti-vibration pads (upstream and downstream 2D) to increase the anti-vibration effect.

Vortex flowmeter installation conditions

The vortex flowmeter has certain requirements for the upstream and downstream sections of the installation point, because the fluency of the medium in the pipeline will directly affect the measurement accuracy of the instrument. It will keep the sensor horizontal or vertical during installation, and the pipeline The nominal diameter must correspond to the vortex flowmeter. Do not set the flow control valve in the upstream pipe. This will affect the fluency of the medium in the pipe. In some special installation environments, the upstream straight pipe section may not meet the installation requirements. At this time, it is necessary to consider installing a fluid rectifier in the upstream pipeline.

Feeds and Technical Support: Jiangsu Yuanchuang Instrument Co., Ltd.

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