Mining of diatomaceous earth mine

The mining methods of diatomaceous earth are open pit mining and underground mining. The open-pit mining methods include: Jilin Dunhua Gaosongshu Mine, Jilin Meihekou Qujia Street Mine, and Jilin Huadiandian Diatomite Mine. The county is located in the open-pit mine of small-scale soil mining. Pione

How does the electric detonation method work?

The electric detonation method should be carried out as follows: 1. After the detonator is inspected, the wire is short-circuited. It is best to wrap the short-circuit head with industrial tape, put it into a special box, transport it to the blasting site according to the design requirements, and

Yang Xiaotao: I am atomic spectroscopy "vsv"

Yang Xiaotao, a researcher at the National Center for Geological Experiments and Testing Center, began working on atomic spectroscopy and instrument development in 1970, and it has been more than 40 years. Yang Xiaotao jokes that he is a "veteran" of the spectrum. The production

Automobile purchase restrictions are not

Status of purchase restriction On December 23, 2010, Beijing officially announced the "Interim Regulations on the Control of the Number of Small Passenger Cars in Beijing", becoming the first city in China to issue an automobile purchase restriction order. There are two aspects

Copper tailings brick

Gray sand brick May Copper Mountain mine tailings discharged annual production of 75 000 t, is currently stockpiling capacity of 1.1 million t, this copper mine tailings are mainly of quartz sand by the dozen mineral which, after technical analysis to prove No comprehensive recovery value. The min

Electromechanical Chamber Taipei office went to Kaohsiung

In order to gain insights into the industrial development in southern central Taiwan, and establish a working relationship, from December 22nd to 24th, Li Ronggyong, a Taipei office of the Electrical and Mechanical Commerce Chamber, went to Kaohsiung to conduct business research. The resea

Introduction to vibration probability sieve

Although the vibration probability sieve has the above three types, it is screened by the principle of large sieve hole, multi-layer sieve surface and large inclination angle. The general working principle and structure are shown in the following figure. The screen box is usually hoisted on the fac